Sunshine Rewards

Friday, October 06, 2006

Save Your Money and Have the Best Cheap Lunch in Town!

Don't let the word "cheap" determine whether you save money or not! Whether you read the word, hear it or say it, "cheap" can be one of your best friends!! I happen to love that word and it catches my wallet all the time! A lot of things I have are a result of not ignoring that precious, priceless word! Thank you, "cheap"!

Cheap is just the good stuff rearranged in your life - or in this case, on your plate!

For instance:

Local fast foods, offer Value Meals or $1.00 Menus. This is where they offer you many of the same items as they do in a combo meal, but seperately. For $4.99 you can get a hamburger, fries and a drink. On the value menu, you can get a hamburger, fries and a drink for $3.00. Mix and match and you have a wonderful array of lunches!

Ms Syd Barr sent me her way of stretching her dollars!

A certain fast food place has a $1.00 menu. A side salad w/dressing is $1.00. An order of chicken pieces (4 nice size pieces) is $1.00. Buy these 2 items, Break/cut up the pieces of chicken into small bite sizes pieces and place them in the salad. Bingo! You have a nice chicken salad for $2.00!!! The salad comes with dressing of choice. Add a small drink (with free refills) and you have a fantastic lunch both in price and nutrition!

The salad is only 20 calories and the chicken pieces are l70.
The least calorie dressings are: (if you used the entire pkg.)...
low fat Italian is 50 calories...
low fat Balsamic is 40 calories...
Ranch is 170

Plus, if you want to eat a little more, order 2 salads and 2 chicken piece orders! Just get a different dressing on each and you will have more varitey for your meal that day!

Check the $1.00/value menu at your favorite fast food. Mix and match and every day you can have a great and nutritional meal for about $4.00! Drop any change into your purse so at the end of the week, you can collect it and put it in your piggy bank for savings.

Give it a try! See what fun, nutritional and CHEAP meals you can create! And thanks for the tip, Syd

P.S. Ask your fast food place if they offer discounts for "seniors"- some offer seniors a small drink for 49¢ with free refills!! Again, it never hurt to ASK!!!

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To make money, save money or just stretch what you have-continue reading articles for more tips, ideas and ways to do all 3!


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