Sunshine Rewards

Saturday, October 07, 2006

I Found $75 in my Junk Mail! Yes, I Did!!!!

I always look through the junk mail and flyers - never know what you will find! And we usually get the same stuff all the time, so I know what to not bother looking at. I don't need a matress, or furniture or sports equipment. I don't need a home loan or home improvement.

But every couple months we get this envelope from an advertising company that includes about 50 coupons from local merchants. Again, loans, home improvement and other services I don't need or want.

But I look for things like car maintenance - free brake inspection, discount on tires or a regular service procedure. Oil changes, etc - all can be expensive so a coupon always helps. Sometimes there are "so much off" at some local independent clothing stores or speciality stores.

There are also coupons for local resturants and internet service. I often use the resturant ones, and it never hurt to stay a on top of what is out ther regarding the internet. It is a way of life and here to stay.

But then I noticed one from a bank. Bank, Junk Mail - they don't seem to have much in common, so I looked at it. Here, with this "coupon", if I went to this local bank, and opened a FREE checking account with first order of checks FREE, NO minimum balance, NO monthly service fee, FREE online banking, FREE ATM/debit card, and I opened it with $1,000, if I left the account open for 90 days, they would deposit $75 into my account! Of course, I figured there was a catch some where, so I called. But, no, no catch. Just open it with $1,000 and you can use that money and/or add more as you like. You just had to leave the account open (with NO minimum balance!) for 90 days to get the $75!

So I did it! Got my first 400 checks for free. Got the ATM card (don't use it but nice to have if I want to!) No service fee, no monthly charges and a "post dated" receipt for the $75 on that 91st day!.

Just $1,000 of my money, to spend or save as I see fit and when I hit that 91st day, $75 goes into my account and is MINE, MINE, MINE!!!! I can close the account after that if I want to, or just leave it sit for "emergencies" or start using that bank instead of the one I currenly use! But for doing nothing, I got $75!

And all because I looked at the junk mail one day!

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At 9:14 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, Cheri, that's pretty cool! My husband systematically shreds our junk mail and I rarely see it, so I need to tell him about this. He's very happy to make money with such little effort!

Thanks for another great tip!

At 5:02 PM, Blogger Frugal Money Saving Ideas said...

Susan - I always never hurts to look! It doesn't cost a cent, only takes a second and the rewards can be money savers!!!


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