Sunshine Rewards

Friday, July 21, 2006

For Those "Hard to Buy For" Folks.......

We all have "hard to buy for" friends or family. We all have those times when "I don't have a clue what to get them". What's the solution? GIFT CARDS!

Now, I have never liked giving gift cards (or in my day they were call "Gift Certificates" and they were similar to a check format). I always thought a Gift Card was the most non-personal form of gift and that a gift card only yelled out, "I didn't want to bother shopping for you", "I don't want to be bothered to find out what you wanted" and "I didn't want to take time to think of you" kind of so called gift. Throw in that back in "the old days" only a few stores gave out the gift certs so what someone could get was so limited.

HOWEVER......In this new world we are living in, with everyone doing so much at so many differnet times in such different ways, quite frankly I think they are pretty good now. Probably most any store that is in business has the gift card available to you. For goodness sake, you can even get a gift card to shop on Ebay!!!!! And gift cards are great for any holiday you need a gift. Would your graduating high school senior rather have a gift card to their favorite hangout or something "practical"?
But in my "old habits die hard" thinking, I wont' get one at a "regular shopped" store. The local discount stores, the ones everyone goes to, the ones that my person shops at regularly - I won't buy a card from there. Why? Cause I know that they will end up spending it on household items, groceries, and just stuff that is on their regular shopping list. The point of a gift is that it is FOR THE PERSON, not just an item in general for whatever!

Instead, I will get them a card from a speciality store or "out of the usual" place that they like to go. Starbucks, Bath and Body Works, Boot Barn, Michael's Craft store. These are the stores my kids like but usually don't spend much time or money at - only when they absolutely need something. So I get them a gift card to one of these places and then they get the fun of shopping and spoiling themselves! Plus they think of ME everytime they use the card and remember ME when they are using or wearing the item! "Mom helped me get this" or "Mom bought this for me". Instead of just remembering me on the one day they opened the gift, I get to be remembered repeatedly! Plus Iknow that they will be smiling as they drive away with their choice of gift item. Better than buying them something you think they might like and then they either exchange it for soemthing else or it sits in the garage and collects dust until the next time they have a yard sale!

For instance, I got my daughter a gift card to Starbucks for Christmas. I was really just short on time to go shopping, so gift cards is where my mind went. But I figured, I know she likes the coffees there, she gets them often but because they are so expensive, she probably doesn't get them as often as she would like. This gift card she can spoil herself and get them more often, at least until the card amount is met! And everytime she hands over the gift card, she will remember Mom and a smile will grace her beautiful face and I will feel a little pitter in my heart that I made my child's day! Don't get any better than that!

So while you "Save A Little To Save Alot" you also get to make memories!!!

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